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  • Rory Hunter's avatar
    Add changelog (#83830) · 62943fe8
    Rory Hunter authored
    Having a `` file in the root of a code repository is a
    very common practice. Elasticsearch doesn't follow this for good
    reasons, and publishes extensive release notes on the website.
    However we can be more helpful to users browsing the repository by
    pointing them to the release notes.
    Add changelog (#83830)
    Rory Hunter authored
    Having a `` file in the root of a code repository is a
    very common practice. Elasticsearch doesn't follow this for good
    reasons, and publishes extensive release notes on the website.
    However we can be more helpful to users browsing the repository by
    pointing them to the release notes.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.